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Morton Coarse Kosher Salt (3 lbs.)

Morton Coarse Kosher Salt (3 lbs.)

Regular price $4.30
Regular price Sale price $4.30
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  • Morton Kosher Salt is a versatile salt loved by chefs for its texture, ease of use, and ability to bring out the natural flavors of food.
  • Coarse Salt versus Finely Ground Salt

    Some people believe that coarse flakes are the only way to consume sea salt because it is how the salt is harvested in the first place. It is the purest form of what nature intended. But all of that is up for debate. What's everyone can agree upon is that sea salt is one of life's greatest simple pleasures, alongside freshly laundered sheets, the feeling of sunshine on your skin and the smell of roses in the wind. Use this Morton kosher salt every day for a dose of simple joy.

    Why Choose Morton Coarse Kosher Salt?

    Crystals are associated with magic and majesty, and these fine kosher salt crystals are no exception. They are indeed worthy of royalty and should be revered for their organizational structure and complexity. Every time your bite is graced by the inimitable crunch and joy of a flake of coarse salt, take a moment to appreciate how you both got there.

    • Salt Flakes - The coarse flake crystals of Morton Coarse Kosher Salt are larger than regular table salt crystals, making them easy to pinch for measuring and sprinkling
    • Kosher and Non-Iodized - Morton Kosher Salt is non-iodized salt and Kosher-certified for use in preparing kosher meals and great for everyday seasoning and prepping
    • Versatile for everyday use - Use Morton Coarse Kosher Salt for brining poultry, rimming margarita glasses, seasoning grilled meats and vegetables, roasting, and preparing marinades and rubs
    • 3 Pound Box - This Morton Coarse Kosher Salt is in a 3 pound box, which is larger than a typical salt shaker, making it perfect for everyday usage
    • At Morton Salt, we make sure only the best salt crystals reach your plate, so every dish you create will be as flavorful as you intend

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