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Member's Mark

Member's Mark Penne Rigate Pasta (1 lb., 6 pk.)

Member's Mark Penne Rigate Pasta (1 lb., 6 pk.)

Regular price $11.43
Regular price Sale price $11.43
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  • Enriched penne made with 100% durum semolina
  • Gourmet, premium quality pasta
  • Makes it easy to put together a quick and satisfying meal
  • Member's Mark Italian Penne is made in collaboration with Pasta Lensi®, an expert producer in authentic Italian pasta with nearly 100 years of experience. To make Italian penne pasta, they mix durum semolina wheat with purified water and carefully shape it into penne rigate noodles. The textured surface of these penne noodles allows whatever sauce you use to cling to each piece. And this Italian penne pasta complements many sauces.

    What Is Durum Semolina Wheat?

    Member's Mark Italian Penne is made exclusively from durum semolina wheat, but what is it? This wheat is the second most commonly used wheat in the world and is prized for making pasta, such as Italian penne pasta. The durum semolina wheat is used to make pasta because the dough is much easier to shape than other types of wheat. For example, durum semolina wheat can be shaped into flat sheets or the round penne shapes much easier than a common wheat that is much tougher to shape when made into dough.

    Product of Italy's Lombardy Region

    Member's Mark Italian Penne pasta is a product of Italy's Lombardy region. The pasta can be used to make traditional, Italian penne dishes or more Americanized dishes like a macaroni pasta dish with cheese and penne instead of macaroni. The Italian penne pasta is produced with the traditional bronze cut and rough surface to retain more sauce. Essentially there are either bronze-cut pasta or Teflon-cut pasta. The difference is that bronze-cut pasta is rougher and more porous than Teflon-cut pasta and produces more of a homemade feel, while also better retaining sauces and seasonings. The term bronze-cut refers to the type of molds or dies that are used when making the pasta.

    • 6 - 16 oz. (1 lb.) 454 g packages
    • Kosher
    Shipping Info

    Standard - 4 to 10 business days
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